CUSTOM-MADE Fast delivery Free remake guarantee

CUSTOM-MADE Free remake guarantee




Fiorenzo realizes the importance ofprotecting your personal information. 


1.1. Users ofour products and services: We know you care and prioritize how yourinformation is collected, used, disclosed, and transmitted or transferredinternationally. We appreciate your trust and we will treat your personal datawith due care and reasonable care to provide you with the best customerexperience and best service especially. 


1.2. People use our Services todesign and purchase clothing, including custom fit, made to order clothing. OurPrivacy Policy applies to any Customer or Visitor to our Services.


1.3. Our customers createaccounts on our services, providing their “contact information, personal sizeinformation, style preferences, and billing and shipping information” in orderto purchase clothing. Content and data on some of our Services is also viewableto visitors that have not created accounts or made any purchases (“Visitors”).



This Privacy Policy applies to Personal Information (forexample: name, email address, telephone number) that is collected inconnection with, communications and services, but excludingservices that state that they are offered under a different privacy policy.

In this Privacy Policy, the term “Personal Information” meansinformation that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person and,where applicable, a household. By visiting usingthe Services, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described inthis Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions.

3.Changes to This Privacy Policy

Fiorenzo may modify this PrivacyPolicy, and if we make material changes to it, we will provide notice toprovide you the opportunity to review the changes before they become effective.If you object to any changes, you may request to have your account closed orsimply choose not to use our services.

For your convenience, you can tell when this Privacy Policy waslast updated by reviewing the Last Updated-legend at the top of this page. Youacknowledge that your continued use of our Services after we publish or send anotice about our changes to this Privacy Policy means that the collection, useand sharing of your personal data is subject to the updated Privacy Policy.

4. DataWe Collect

In connection with the Services, we may collect the followingcategories of data which, alone or in combination with other data, mayconstitute Personal Information.

4.1 DataYou Provide to Us

Youprovide data to create an account, use our Services and make purchases fromus.

a.       Registration Information : To create an account youneed to provide an email address, phone no., name.

  1. Size Information : To purchase clothing it is necessary to provide size preference or other size-related information. For custom clothing, you have the option to provide precise dimension information. You also have the option to provide Personal Information about your body (for example, your postures) as part of our Smart Sizes custom fit creator. You don’t have to provide all of this information, but it can help us to provide you better fitting clothing and a better experience.
  2. Provide style preference information: Style preference information may be derived from a customer’s purchase history, or explicit inputting of preferences.
  3. Billing and Shipping Address: To make a purchase you will need to provide a full name, address.
  4. Feedback: We often will ask for feedback on our service and products. You will have the option to provide your feedback in the form of numeric ratings and text.

4.2Automatically Collected Data

Our Services may automatically, using software, collect thefollowing data that may, alone or in combination with other data, constitutePersonal Information.

4.2.1.Service Use

We log usage data when you visit or otherwise use our site. Weuse log-ins, cookies, device information and internet protocol (“IP”) addressesto identify you and log your use.

4.2.2.Communications Data/ Contact channel(s) foryour customers

Ifyou choose to contact us through email or chat, your emails and messages may bestored for future reference.

4.2.3.Your Device and Location

When you visit or leave our site, we receive the URL of both thesite you came from and the one you go to next. We also get information aboutyour IP address, proxy server, operating system, web browser and add-ons,device identifier and features, and/or ISP or your mobile carrier. If you useour site from a mobile device, that device may send us data about your locationdepending on your phone settings.


OurServices are dynamic, and we often introduce new features, which may lead tothe collection of new information. If we collect materially different PersonalInformation or materially change how we use Personal Information about you, wewill modify this Privacy Policy and notify you.

5. Reasonsto collect Personal Information /How We Use Your Data

·         How we use Personal Information about you depends upon whatPersonal Information you provide, how you use our Services, and which productsyou purchase. We may use the Personal Information that we have about you toprovide and personalize our products and Services for you, as well as toimprove our products and Services for all Customers and Visitors.

·        We also collect customer’s personal information for reorderingpurposes or for future reorders.


  • Authorizing Access:  We use Personal Information about you to authorize access to our Services.
  • Custom Clothing Size Creation:  Our Services allow you to create and modify custom clothing sizes. We will use the Personal Information you provide to help generate accurate custom clothing sizes for you.
  • Purchase Clothing and Other Products:  Our Services allow you to purchase clothing and other products, including custom fit clothing. For example, we will use your order data to produce your purchased products and deliver them to you.


We will use your contactinformation to contact you through email and phone, and other ways through ourServices.

a.       Service Messages:  We will send you messagesabout your orders, including order confirmation emails, order status updates,shipping information and requests for feedback. Please be aware that you cannotopt-out of receiving service messages from us, including security and legalnotices.

b.       b. Marketing Messages:  We will send variousmarketing messages to your email. These messages may notify you about newproducts that have come available, new site features we have added, or newcontent we have added to the site.


We target and measure theperformance of ads to Customers and Visitors directly and through a variety ofpartners, using the following data, whether separately or combined:

  • Data from advertising technologies on and off our Services, like web beacons, pixels, ad tags, cookies, and device identifiers;
  • Customer-provided information (such as your name, email address, phone number, shipping address, etc.);
  • Data from your use of our Services (such as your order history, style preferences, etc.).
  • Information from advertising partners and publishers.

If you view or click on an Fiorenzo ad, the ad provider may get a signal thatsomeone visited the page that displayed the ad, and they may through the use ofmechanisms such as cookies determine it is you. Advertising partners canassociate Personal Information collected by the advertiser directly from youwith our cookies and similar technologies.

5.4.Developing Services and Research

We use Personal Information aboutyou to conduct research and further improve our products and Services. Forexample, we use your saved custom sizes, order history and feedback to improveour size algorithms and thus provide better size predictions for othercustomers. We also use your feedback on fabrics and products to inform ourproduct development and improve our designs.

5.5.Customer Support

We use Personal Information(which can include communications) to investigate, respond to and resolvecomplaints and Services-related issues.

5.6.Aggregate Insights

We use your information toproduce aggregated insights that do not identify you. For example, we may useinformation about you to generate statistics about our Visitors or Customers,or to calculate ad impressions served or clicked on. However, such informationis not considered Personal Information because it is anonymized and aggregatedin such a way that it cannot reasonably linked back to the individual.


5.7.Security And Investigations

We use Personal Information(including communications) if we think it is necessary for security purposes orto investigate possible fraud or other violations of our User Agreement or thisPrivacy Policy.

6. How We Share Personal Information

6.1 OurServices

With your consent, your feedbackon products and our service will be made visible to other visitors to feedback will typically be identified with your First Name, Last Initial,and the City and State from your shipping address. Depending on your feedback,this may be seen as an endorsement of our products. In some cases, yourfeedback may be used for advertising and marketing purposes as part ofmarketing emails or other forms of advertisement.

6.2Service Providers

We use others to help us provideour Services (e.g., maintenance, analysis, audit, payments, fraud detection, marketing,and development). They will have access to Personal Information about you asreasonably necessary to perform these tasks on our behalf and are contractuallyobligated not to disclose or use it for other purposes.

6.3 LegalDisclosures

It is possible that we will needto disclose Personal Information about you when required by law, or other legalprocess or if we have a good faith belief that disclosure is reasonablynecessary to (1) investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected oractual illegal activities or to assist government enforcement agencies; (2)enforce our agreements with you, (3) investigate and defend ourselves againstany third-party claims or allegations, (4) protect the security or integrity ofour Services (such as by sharing with companies facing similar threats); or (5)exercise or protect the rights and safety of Fiorenzo , our Customers, personnel, or others. We attempt to notifyCustomers about legal demands for Personal Information about them whenappropriate in our judgment, unless prohibited by law or court order or whenthe request is an emergency. We may dispute such demands when we believe, inour discretion, that the requests are overbroad, vague or lack properauthority, but we do not promise to challenge every demand.

6.4Change in Control or Sale

We can also share PersonalInformation about you as part of a sale, merger or change in control, or inpreparation for any of these events. Any other entity which buys us or part ofour business will have the right to continue to use Personal Information aboutyou, but only in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy unless agreedotherwise.

6.5. Entitieswe share the personal data with, now and in the future /Advertisers

We do not share PersonalInformation with third parties for their direct marketing purposes without yourpermission. However, we may share the following Personal Information withthird-party advertising companies for our own advertising purposes:

  • Feedback for a product- Personal Information about you that you choose to make visible to any users of the Services (e.g., product reviews).

7. Duration of time we store the personal data/Data Retention

We retain Personal Information for‘ 5 years’ while your account is in existence or as needed to provide youServices, or as long as required by law. This includes Personal Information youor others provided to us and data generated or inferred from your use of ourServices.

8. Contact channel(s) for yourcustomers to send a request to delete, disclose, update the personal data youstore, or inquire about the privacy policy/Modifying Personal Information AboutYou

Only you, using your email andpassword, or our customer service team, can access your Personal Information.If for any reason you are concerned that Personal Information about you is notcorrect, please visit our site and, after logging in, visit the"Profile" section. Information may be changed or removed withinPersonal Info, Saved Sizes, Addresses. If you prefer, you may contact us viaemail us at and wewill correct your information for you.

9. Financial Privacy Policy

9.1. Confidentiality of personal financial information: Itis extremely important to Fiorenzo as wellas all personal information. Therefore, personal finance information canonly be retrieved from the relevant bank, i.e., Fiorenzo will not be able to find any information relating to personalfinance information. It is also a very important policy for Fiorenzo not to Rent or sell your personal financialinformation to any other person or entity.

10. Other Important Information

10.1. Security

We implement security safeguardsdesigned to protect Personal Information about you, such as HTTPS. We regularlymonitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks. However, wecannot warrant the security of any information that you send us. There is noguarantee that Personal Information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, ordestroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerialsafeguards.

10.2. Cross-Border Data Transfers

We process data both inside andoutside and rely on legally-provided mechanisms to lawfully transfer dataacross borders. Countries where we process data may have laws which aredifferent, and potentially not as protective, as the laws of your owncountry. If you have any questions about the lawful bases upon which we collectand use your personal data, please contact us.

10.3.Contact Information

If you have questions or complaintsregarding this Policy, please first contact us online, via email at or by physical mail at Fiorenzo or call on 01 789 205612/ +44 (0) 1789 205 612.

11. Payment Policy

Youcan pay for goods and services ordered from the website. via credit cardonline through all bank counters nationwide and pay via ATM by transferringmoney to the account number and designated branches to transfer moneywithin 18  hours. The system will automatically verify yourpayment. and approve the purchase of the product with the delivery of thegoods only after the payment is complete.

11.1. Note:

a.      Expenses ortransfer fees money transferor/customer: It is responsible for thepayment of such fees and the bank will take approximately 1 businessday to process your payment summary.

  1. If you order a product that requires installation and the product does not include installation service, there will be additional installation costs which you must Pay the said installation fee to the staff.